2 autograph letters signed.
8vo. 2½ pp. on 2 ff.
€ 220.00
To the music publisher Henri Heugel, requesting works of Jules Massenet: "Voila qu'en cherchant cette après-midi après une partition de Massenet, je m'apercois que je n'en ai qu'une [...]".
The second letter probably also to Heugel, announcing a report about Huret's stay in Dresden and a conversation with Joseph Rubinstein, asking for Rubinstein's book on Wagner and a catalogue of Rubinstein's works: "Je reviens de Dresde où j'ai vu Rubinstein. Je vais faire un compte-rendu de notre conversation, au cours de laquelle il m'a renvoyé, pour des notes, à son livre sur Wagner [...]".
Huret regularly published interviews with writers and artists in "L'Écho de Paris" and in "Le Figaro". Joseph Rubinstein, a young pianist of Jewish-Russian origin, admired Richard Wagner and cooperated with the German composer, who had an ambivalent attitude towards his disciple. Rubinstein donated his concert earnings to the Bayreuth Festival; deeply depressed by Wagner's death, he took his own life in 1884, at the age of only thirty-six.
Both letters with printed letterhead, monogram "Le Figaro", and collection stamp of the "Archives Ménestrel", one with slight duststaining to one margin. Both letters with recipient's note.