Bellini, Vincenzo, operatic composer (1801-1835). Autograph letter signed.

Como, 17. IX. 1827.

8vo. 3¼ pp. on bifolium with integral address panel.


Beautiful letter to the composer André (Andrea) Monteleone in Palermo with thanks for letters, one of which Bellini had received through Monteleone's friend Gigli in Milan, about the journalist Barbieri being happy to receive theatre articles from Monteleone, reflecting on a journey to Venice during the Carnival season to make the local performance of his opera "Il Pirata" go as smoothly as possible, and mocking his opponent Giovanni Pacini over the number of operas this composer tries to write within a year: "Tu vuoi sapere ove scriverò in questo carnevale prossimo [...] tutti sperando de io nel vedermi senza scritture alla' fine mi accontentassi, si provvidero tutti del maestro dal carnevale: io visi del la loro bonarietà, et iddio voglio de non se ne avessero da pentire, perché non essendovi altro de Pacini, questi nel solo carnevale dove scrivere tre opere, una alla Scalá, un altra a Turino, e l'ultima a Venezia; mentre adesso dovrà andare in scena in S. Carlo di Napoli pei 11o Ott.e, dunque capisci or ta che nuostra impasticciata dovrà fare [...]" - "Il pirata" premiered on 27 October 1827 in the Milanese Scala. The librettist Felice Romani had inspired Bellini to this his first project as a composer, as Bellini had been offered a commission for an opera by the impresario Domenico Barbaja in spring of the same year. Monteleone was director of the "Real Teatro Carolino", renamed "Teatro Bellini" in 1848.

With residue of a seal and a tear due to opening the letter; slight foxing; small holes along the folds and a small wormhole.

Stock Code: BN#61417 Tag: