"My mind is full of small agricultural machinery"

Kipling, Rudyard, English poet and novelist, Nobel laureate (1865-1936). Autograph letter signed ("Rudyard Kipling").

London, 20. IX. 1907.

8vo. 1 p., written on stationery with printed letterhead of Brown's Hotel. Includes autograph envelope.


To Charles Flight, a request for help to protect his bees in his absence. Kipling feared that his bees might suffer because he forgot to take the necessary measures before departing: "Like an ass I forgot to put in the queen excluder you so kindly sent me and now I have visions of mice living at free quarters in my hives all the winter". To prevent an infestation of rodents and to keep a healthy hive, he asks Flight to "nip in" and "bar the door against the little beasts". This brief request was sent to Flight from London when Kipling was on his way to North America: "We’re off to Canada at noon and at present my mind is full of small agricultural machinery".

Kipling wrote a number of short stories and poems about bees, including "The Mother Hive", published in 1908.


Horizontal folding mark, browning.