Jongkind, Johan Barthold, Dutch painter (1819-1891). Autograph document signed ("J B Jongkind").

Rotterdam, 30. IV. 1858.

4to. 1 p.


Shipping order to a Dutch railroad company to transport Jongkind's painting "Paysage Hollandais, effet de soleil couchant" to the art dealer Pierre-Firmin Martin in Paris: "Le soussigné déclare d'envoyer par l'administration du chemin de fer Hollandais Belge à l'adresse de Monsieur Martin, rue Mogador, n° 20 au coin de la rue St Nicolas à Paris, une caisse e bois marquée J contenant un tableau peint à l'huile représentant un paysage Hollandais, dans les environs de Rotterdam, Effet de une [!] soleil couchant. Valeur du tableau 300,- francs". The painting would be exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1859 and win a third class medal.

In 1855 Jongkind had been forced to leave Paris and return to the Netherlands due to his disastrous financial situation. However, he never felt at home in Rotterdam, suffering mentally and physically, while also continuing to accrue debt. With Martin's help, he exhibited at the Salon of Dijon in 1858 and won a second prize and the Paris Salon of 1859. Worried by his mental state and grave financial situation, a group of his friends, including Camille Corot, Charles Daubigny, Gustave Doré, Jules Dupré, and Théodore Rousseau, organized a charity auction of Jongkind's and their own works at Drouot on 7 April 1860. The proceedings enabled them to settle Jongkind's debt and facilitate his much-desired return to Paris. Today Jongkind, who later in his life mentored younger friends such as Alfred Sisley and Claude Monet, is regarded as an important forerunner of impressionism.


Somewhat brittle and toned. With minor tears and insignificant damage due to ink corrosion.

Stock Code: BN#63567 Tag: