"les 'aventures culinaires' des explorateurs"

Herzog, Maurice, French mountaineer (1919-2012). Typed letter signed.

Paris, 19. VI. 1959.

4to. 1 p. On stationery with printed letterhead "Haut Commissariat a la Jeunesse et aux Sports".


To Cleophus Griffin, the chef of New York Explorer's Club, who was preparing a book of interesting recipes encountered by explorers on their travels. Herzog writes that he is very interested in the idea but cannot contribute any recipes, as he is fully occupied by his administrational duties: "Je pense que le projet d'éditer un livre qui recueillerait les 'aventures culinaires' des explorateurs, est excellent et original. Malheureusement, je ne pourrai collaborer à sa rédaction, commme vous me le demandez si aimablement. Mes fonctions au Haut-Commissariat à la Jeunesse et aux Sports absorbent tout mon temps [...]". Herzog led the 1950 French Annapurna expedition, becoming the first climber to have reached a summit over 8000 metres.

Known for his recipes made with exotic meat such as boa constrictor, monkey, polar bear, flying fox, and iguana, Cleophus Griffin served as chef of New York Explorer's Club for more than 20 years. He would create and cook these recipes mostly for the Club's annual dinner, with the meat provided by the club members. The book for which this contribution was intended never materialized.


Traces of folding, minor stains.

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