[Gueullette, Thomas Simon]. Le maravigliose avventure del mandarino Fum-Hoam. Novelle cinesi divise in XLVI sere. Tradotte dalla lingua francese nell’italiana. Tomo primo [- secondo].

Venice, Andrea Mercurio, 1751.

12mo. 2 parts in 1 volume. 204 pp.; 191, (1) pp. Contemporary full vellum with ms. spine title.


Second Italian edition of the "The Marvellous Adventures of the Mandarin Fum-Hoam", first published in French in 1723 under the title "Les aventures merveilleuses du mandarin Fum-Hoam. Contes chinois" by Thomas-Simon Gueullette (1683-1766). During a long sea voyage, the ship of the protagonists is attacked by pirates, who are promptly repulsed thanks to the valour of two men dressed as Dervishes. It soon turns out that the younger of the two is actually the beautiful Princess Gulchenraz, while the older is her father, the King of Georgia, Malekalsalem, who begins to narrate their misadventures. And so, one after the other, for forty-six evenings, the characters take turns in telling stories set in China, India and Persia.


Occasional browning, otherwise very well preserved.

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