A manual of the hand-seals of esoteric Buddhism
[Manuscript mudras manual].
Folding book (thyasapu), 225 x 80 mm. 30 ff., or 60 openings. Sanskrit and Newari folding book manuscript on heavy paper. With over 250 hand-painted illustrations. Contemporary red morocco.
€ 35,000.00
A manuscript handbook of esoteric Buddhism: over 250 miniatures depicting the mudras of Vajrayana Buddhism (also known as esoteric or tantric Buddhism), delicately hand-painted in bright colour on a Tibetan folding book manuscript (thyasapu). Mudras, often translated as hand-signs or seals, are the carefully formed hand poses rich in iconographic meaning, used both in the art of Vajrayana Buddhism and by monks as part of their religious practice. Depictions of the Tathagata Buddhas in particular show the Tathagatas holding their hands in formal poses infused with meaning. This can be seen especially in mandalas, like the Diamond Realm Mandala.
This folding book serves as a manual of hundreds of these mudras, showing posed hands in black, blue, yellow, green, red, and white. Some pose with iconographic props, such as prayer bells (ghanta) and vajra, as well as with swords, a bow and arrow, musical instruments, serpents, and more; each is captioned above or below the mudra for the education of the reader, or the guidance of the practitioner. Every one of the hundreds of miniatures is unique, with a distinct meaning and visual language tied into the tenants of esoteric Buddhism, making manuscripts like this one a large undertaking by a highly skilled artist. A similar manuscript can be seen in the Schoyen Collection (MS 5294).
From a UK private collection, sold through Christie's in 2023.
Covers a touch worn; light edgewear to a few pages, a few instances of chipped pigment, and later touch-ups to miniatures. In good condition.