Der Nachlaß Robert Klopstock (1899-1972). Mit kommentierter Erstveröffentlichung von 38 teils ungedruckten Briefen Franz Kafkas. Bearbeitet von Christopher Frey und Martin Peche, herausgegeben von Hugo Wetscherek. Mit Beiträgen von Leonhard M. Fiedler und Leo A. Lensing
312 pp. With 110 illustrations and a laid-in facsimile in full color. Cloth hardcover. Large 8vo (18 x24,5 cm).
€ 65.00
The catalogue of Klopstock's Nachlass contains the first critical edition of 38 partly unpublished letters by Franz Kafka to his "last friend" who, according to Kafka's biographer Ernst Pawel, finally had "become father, judge, and God" for him. Among the correspondence with Klopstock are seven completely unpublished letters and 14 which Max Brodv printed only with significant and in some cases extensive omissions. The remaining material within the estate makes accessible the largely unknown biography of the "crazy Dr. Klopstock", as Max Brod called the physician who had to leave Germany and emigrated to the USA in 1938. Through the cataloguing of Klopstock's manuscripts, his documents, his copious collection of photographs, the dedication copies in his library, and also of his correspondence with Thomas Mann, Franz Werfel, and Albert Einstein, the path which the life of Kafka's last friend took can now be traced for the first time.
- German Studies Review ("kritisch hervorragend herausgegeben")
- Germanistik
- The German Quarterly ("handsome (...) with care and craftsmanship")
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ("gehaltvoll (...) mit großer Sorgfalt")
- Bücherschau
- Kafka-Katern ("prachtig verzorgde boek")
- ("vorbildlich ediert")