Mark Twain (i.e., Clemens, Samuel Langhorne). The Writings. Stormfield Edition.New York & London, 1929.

Rare and handsome set of this famous American writer's works, also containing his biography, letters, and his own autobiography. The third uniform edition named after one of Mark Twain's residences: Stormfield, in Redding, Connecticut, was home to Samuel Clemens from June 1908 until his death in April 1910. Volume 22 is titled "In Defense of Harriet Shelley" (retitled from "Literary Essays"). This is number 164 of 1024 numbered copies.

Mark Twain (i.e., Clemens, Samuel Langhorne), American writer (1835-1910). Autograph letter signed ("S. L. Clemens").Elmira, New York, 8 Sep 1879.

To the stenographer Miss Mary H. Beale, the Clemenses' neighbour in Hartford, Connecticut, who had applied for a position with the famous author: "In answer to yours of the 5th, I have to reply that my correspondence is not voluminous enough to make a short-hand amanuensis necessary, & in my other work I am obliged to use the pen myself".

On lined stationery with printed letterhead of the McIntyre Coal Company, founded by Mark Twain's father-in-law Jervis Langdon.

Mark Twain (i.e., Clemens, Samuel Langhorne), American writer (1835-1910). [Tom Sawyer: A Play]. Autograph working notes.No place, probably late 1883 or early 1884.

Three leaves from Clemens’s manuscript notes for a never-performed stage version of "Tom Sawyer" completed in early 1884, featuring sketches for the dramatic scene in which Tom, Huck and Becky encounter Injun Joe in the cave. The notes read, in part: "Enter Tom & Huck. Find bag. 'No use now - got to starve.' Tom says 'No.' Examine - money all there. Discover girls asleep. Wake them. Talk. We'll save you. Gives them his crust & some bats [...] Devilish face of Joe peeks out - will hive those boys - steals behind boys. Girls see him & scream. Boys jump up & stand paralyzed. Then they jump for the rock & the dodging begins for life & death, the girls looking over. (Maybe Tom trips him.) 'Now, Huck.' They fly - Joe pursues, the girls scream [...]".

As early as 1875, Clemens had asked his friend William Dean Howells to dramatize the then still-unpublished "Adventures of Tom Sawyer". Howells refused, but Clemens pressed ahead, composed a synopsis of his own to secure copyright and subsequently wrote at least some of the play. While these plans ultimately fell through, in 1883 the author once more attempted to translate his book into a stage success. This time, he managed to complete a dramatic version, and the play was duly copyrighted on 1 February 1884. Although Clemens "was so pleased with this piece of work that even before he had finished it he was pondering on the cast which might properly perform it and trying to dictate terms", the great theatre manager Augustin Daly did not take long to reject the chance to stage "Tom Sawyer", and after this "one hears no more about the author's attempting to dramatize his novel": clearly, Clemens reluctantly came to the conclusion that "his novel just could not be dramatized" (Blair, pp. 250-252).

These are three out of a total of 26 pages of working notes for the play, constituting the last three of a ten-page group termed "C" by their editor, Walter Blair. At the time of Blair's editorial work, the notes were dispersed among several libraries: all but one of this ten-page group (C1-3 and C5-10) were then among the Mark Twain Papers at Bancroft Library, UCA, Berkeley (while C4 rests in Yale University Library). The three pages at hand form a sub-unit that provides a later plan for Act IV, in which Tom and Becky, lost in the cave, encounter Injun Joe.

First page slightly browned along the edges and horizontal fold; folds and paper very lightly frayed. A fine survival of American literature in the author's own hand.

Hemingway, Ernest, American writer and Nobel Laureate (1899-1961). Autograph letter signed.Paris, 6 November 1933.

A wide-ranging letter to Arnold Gingrich in Chicago ("Dear Major G"), editor of the newly minted "Esquire" magazine, written ten days after the publication of "Winner Take Nothing". Half of the letter is about writing short stories; the rest concerns Esquire (Hemingway’s comments on the first issue, his editorial advice, his arrangements with the magazine, etc.): "Your statement [in a recent letter] about when and where stories published absolutely correct and exactly what I wrote Scribners in July. Also wrote them what magazines to give credit to. That hasn’t been done either. I am not responsible for their front matter. OK-ed final proof by cable with corrections. Never saw jacket until got book at Sylvia Beach’s [Shakespeare and Co. in Paris] [...] 'Mother of a Queen' and 'Day’s Wait' [stories in 'Winner Take Nothing'] are better stories than you think they are. But thanks very much for taking the trouble to comment. Trouble with 'One Reader Writes' [another story in the book] is that letter is exactly true and because I didn’t make you a picture of the woman. Papa was careless or it was too hot that day in Havana. I’ve written 3 books of stories now and there are 2 unsuccessful ones in the 3 books. I mean that [they] don’t do what they are supposed to do. There are no phony ones [...] Also when you have the time mark a volume - any one - of De Maupassant, Turgenieff, Chekov, Kipling, Merimee and see how you come out on stars and how many phonies there are. Turgenieff and Kipling rate plenty high. I’ve written more good stories and as good stories as Turgenieff - already. Kipling wrote 20 times as many and a damned sight better stories than I have. But I am going to get better as I get older and he didn't. So may have a chance. All right - Take a book of stories by [Sherwood] Anderson, [Morley] Callaghan, Faulkner and Co. Shit. I don’t compete with those punks. Faulkner will go straight for a damned fine wonderful first paragraph - Then get tired and start faking all over the place - Morley was damned honest but dull. He’s still dull. Since it seemed I learned everything I know from Sherwood better not criticize him. But the funny thing is that Sherwood and I both learned everything we knew at the start not from Stein but where Stein learned it - From Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. Anderson, however, wrote some damned fine stories [...]".

Kaiser, Georg, Schriftsteller (1878-1945). Eigenhändige Sentenz mit U.Grünheide Mark, o. D.

"Staat ist Missbrauch des Heimatgefühls [...]". Geschrieben als Beitrag für die von Friedrich Koslowsky im Berliner Eigenbrödler-Verlag herausgegebene Faksimile-Anthologie "Deutschlands Köpfe der Gegenwart über Deutschlands Zukunft" (1928).

Während der Zeit der Weimarer Republik waren die Theaterstücke des Magdeburger Dramatikers die meistgespielten auf den deutschen Bühnen. Kaiser war bekannt mit Ernst Toller und Bertolt Brecht. Das gemeinsam mit Kurt Weill erarbeitete Stück "Am Silbersee" - Weills letztes Projekt vor seiner Flucht - wurde kurz nach dessen Premiere 1933 wegen Protesten und Boykotten abgesetzt und von der NSDAP verboten.

Mit hs. ausgefülltem Formularteil und hs. Namenszug.

Floyd, Rolla. A General Programme and Itinerary for Palestine and Syria, With Detailed …Palestine, ca. 1886.

Sole edition of this rare and early guide-book to Palestine and Syria by Rolla Floyd (1838-1911), a maverick American tour-guide in the Middle East.

The itineraries listed here are offered either with or without camp. The first, a two-week tour from Jaffa to Jerusalem, includes stops at Bethlehem, Solomon's pool, Hebron and the Jordan. The second also goes from Jaffa to Jerusalem but via the Sea of Galilee and Nazareth, while the longest 30-day excursions are from Jaffa to Beyrout via Jerusalem, Nazareth, the Sea of Galilee, Damascus and Baalbek.

The first American Dragoman to work within Palestine, the Maine-born Floyd moved to the region shortly after the end of the American Civil War and was a founding member of the American Colony at Jaffa. Once the Colony was abandoned, he relocated to Jerusalem and commenced working as a guide for the Thomas Cook Company. After many successful years in partnership, Floyd fell out with Cook's and set up on his own. So acrimonious was the split that Thomas Cook inserted a clause into all supplier contracts prohibiting any collaboration with Floyd. What might have proved an insurmountable obstacle, in fact neither stopped Floyd from doing well nor from re-joining the firm in 1902. So brilliant was Floyd considered in his role that he served as a guide to Ulysses S. Grant and Mark Twain.

Wrappers chipped with tape repair to verso of upper wrapper. A rare document of the burgeoning tourist trade in the Middle East, and a highly uncommon survival.

Gallegaris, Bernardino. Lo strucciero [...]. Dove si discorre del modo di conoscere, allevare, …Venice, 1646.

The first edition of "a scarce book on hawking" (Schwerdt). The author asserts that the falcon came originally from Babylonia and that Dancus, king of that country, was the first to recognise its nature. "Rara ... una delle cose classiche della falconeria italiana" (Ceresoli).

Occasional light foxing. A few mispaginations corrected in pencil; old provenance mark from Christie's (15 Dec. 1982) pencilled to lower pastedown.

Wilhelm II., deutscher Kaiser (1859-1941). Verordnung mit eigenh. U."Neues Palais" Potsdam, 29 Aug 1904.

Verordnung über die Reiseentschädigung von Vermessungsbeamten, Forstgeometern und Zeichnern des Landwirtschaftsministeriums mit Bestimmungen zu einem Kilometergeld und zusätzlichen Entschädigungszahlungen nach Tagessätzen bei Arbeitsorten, die mehr als zwei Kilometer vom Wohnort entfernt liegen: "1) Bei Abwesenheit von nicht mehr als eintägiger Dauer / Vermessungsbeamte ... 5 Mark / Forstgeometer und Zeichner ... 4 [Mark] / 2) bei mehrtägiger Abwesenheit und dadurch bedingter Uebernachtung außerhalb des Wohnortes / Vermessungsbeamte ... 5,50 Mark / Forstgeometer und Zeichner ... 5,00 [Mark] [...]".

Mitunterzeichnet von Landwirtschaftsminister Victor von Podbielski (1844-1916). Mit lithogr. Dokumentenkopf und Regestierung. An den Rändern, besonders am oberen, leicht gebräunt; Spuren alter Heftung.

Knigge, Heinrich von. Obligation.Hannover?, 18 May 1359.

Heinrich von Knigge und Familie beurkunden eine Schuld von 20 Mark Silber Hannoveranischer Währung ("twintich mark lodeghes zulveres Honouerscher wichte und were") bei Margarethe, "husfrouwe" des Conrad von Lude, Bürgers von Hannover. Zahlbar ist die Schuld zum 26. April 1360 bei 10% Zinsen ("to tynse twe mark").

Es bürgen die Herren von Alten, von Winnighusen und von Herbecke.

Zu den prominenten Mitgliedern des seit 1241 bezeugten Geschlechts der Knigge zählt u. a. der Namensgeber des bekannten "Benimmratgebers".

Etwas angestaubt, sonst gut erhalten.

Essellen, Moritz Friedrich, Beamter und Schriftsteller (1796-1882). Eigenh. Brief mit U.Hamm Grafschaft Mark, 12 Aug 1849.

An den "Ausschuß der in Gotha versammelt gewesenen Mitglieder der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung" mit der Bitte um Mitteilung, ob es bereits Vereine zur Überarbeitung der Preußischen Reichsverfassung gebe; Essellen möchte sich zu diesem Zwecke einem liberalen Verein anschließen oder einen solchen gründen: "Aus den wenigen Nachrichten, die sich aus den hier zirkulirenden Zeitungen entnehmen laßen, glaube ich zu ersehen, daß von den in Gotha versammelt gewesenen Mitgliedern der Frankfurter National-Versammlung der Vorschlag ausgegangen ist, Vereine zur Durchführung und Revision der deutschen Reichsverfaßung, wie sie von Preußen angenommen worden, zu bilden [...] ob es gewünscht wird, daß ich hier mit Gleichgesinnten, die zur gemäßigt liberalen Partei gehören und die Verbindung der deutschen Staaten zu einem Ganzen als unsere Hauptaufgabe erkennen, einen Verein zu bilden suche [...]".

M. F. Essellen wurde 1836 zum Hofrat ernannt und war später Kassenrendant am Oberlandesgericht Hamm und Stadtverordneter in Hamm. Er veröffentlichte geschichtliche und archäologische Abhandlungen über u. a. die Römer in Germanien und die Untersuchungen des Gräberfelds Beckum I. Gegen Ende seines Lebens wurde ihm von der Universität Münster die Ehrendoktorwürde verliehen.

Leicht gelbfleckig, an den Rändern leicht gebräunt, der linke Rand leicht lädiert, mit kurzem Randeinriss am oberen Rand. Mit Sammlervermerk in Bleistift.

Forster, Rudolf, Schauspieler (1884-1968). Eigenh. Brief mit U. ("R. Forster")."Motzenmühle Kreis Teltow in der Mark", 25 Jul 1942.

An den in Forsters Ferienhaus in Bad Aussee weilenden Schauspieler Richard Eybner (1896-1968), dem er u. a. von "einigen Ufa-Pallaver's [!]" berichtet, derentwegen er gerade hier sei.

Seit 1903 auf der Bühne stehend, begann Forster 1919 in Stummfilmen mitzuwirken; sein erster Tonfilm folgte 1930 mit der "Dreigroschenoper" unter der Regie von G. W. Pabst. Einem kurzzeitigen Engagement am Broadway folgten weitere Filme und wenige Theaterauftritte. Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg war Forster vorwiegend im Theater in der Josefstadt zu sehen und wie schon zuvor im Film, wo er u. a. in einigen Edgar Wallace-Verfilmungen zu sehen war.

In altem Sammlungsumschlag.