38th Antiquaria Ludwigsburg

Musikhalle Ludwigsburg
Booth 54
25 through 27 January 2023
A chronological fair list of 40 items
1Probably the fourth or fifth oldest witness to the Gospel of Matthew in the text of the Latin Vulgate
Sixth century uncial fragment of the Vulgate, Matthew 6.22-28, 8.8-16.Italy, mid-6th century CE.
InquireTwo fragments forming one of the earliest known Vulgate manuscripts for the Gospel of St Matthew, probably the fourth or fifth oldest, written only two centuries after St Jerome had prepared the Vulgate New Testament, from the original Greek, at the commission of Pope Damasus I.
Early copies of the Vulgate translation are surprisingly rare: …
2A leaf from the Gutenberg Bible, printing Micah's messianic prophecy
A leaf from the B-42 Gutenberg Bible.Mainz, ca. 1452/1454.
InquireA leaf from the first book printed from movable type in the western world, featuring Micah's famous prophecy of the coming Messiah: "But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting. …
3Illuminated with two miniatures
Biblia latina.Nuremberg, 14 Apr 1478.
€ 48,000.00Koberger's third Latin Bible, printed with the same types as the second: in the splendid Gothic typeface which Koberger used exclusively for his Bibles; at the same time, the earliest type he is known to have used (cf. Klemm, Bibliogr. Mus., 722). The initial on fol. i shows the evangelist Mark with the lion; the tendril decoration reaches from the …
4Incunabular broadside by the "printer of the Rochus-Legende", urging war against the Turks
[Indulgentia, 1482, issued by Sixtus IV for promoting the war against the …Nuremberg, ca. 1482.
€ 12,500.00An incredibly rare incunabular indulgence certificate, only two copies listed in institutional collections by ISTC (at Freiburg and the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, respectively), and one further now held at the University of Pennsylvania. The unnamed printer, known simply as the "printer of the 'Rochus-Legende'", also produced a prayer book, and …
5Incunabular broadside in the vernacular, on a Papal crusade against the Ottomans
[Articuli abbreviati indulgentiarum Iubilaei et Cruciatae, 11 Dec. 1488]. …Mainz, ca. 1489.
€ 35,000.00Rare complete example of this later production by the printing pioneer Peter Schöffer of Mainz (ca. 1425-1503), who had been in business (in partnership or on his own) since 1457 and had served an apprenticeship under Gutenberg himself, assisting in the printing of the B-42 Bible.
Schöffer uses here a set of type first recorded in his German …
6With a prognostication for 1496 by Abu Ma'shar al-Balkhi
[Descriptio apparatus bellici Caroli regis Franciae intrantis Italiae civitates]. …Cologne, ca. 1495.
€ 15,000.00A pretty and rare German incunable comprising eleven short pieces. The first, from which the work takes its title, provides a detailed list of the troops forming the army of King Charles VIII of France (the Affable), with the names of the respective commanders. It does not appear to have been published in French before the edition produced by Edmond …
7A fine incunable of this important work on agriculture and viticulture, in its original binding
Scriptores rei rusticae. Opera agricolationum: Columellae: Varronis: Catonisque, …Reggio Emilia, 18 Sep 1496.
InquireProfusely annotated copy of this influential work on agriculture, including a contemporary manuscript index of 38 leaves. A volume with interesting early provenance, and preserved in its original binding, this copy is illuminated with an as yet unidentified coat of arms. It is rare to find such a beautifully preserved incunable in its contemporary …
8The Augsburg Confession: an extraordinary, hand-coloured copy, owned by one of Luther's closest associates
Confessio fidei exhibita invictiss. Imp. Carolo V. Caesari Aug. in Comiciis …Wittenberg, 1531.
€ 45,000.00The famous "Confessio Augustana", the creed of the reformed Church: one of the earliest editions, owned by Lazarus Spengler (1479-1534), close friend and ally of Martin Luther, lavishly coloured and with his beautiful woodcut bookplate long attributed to Albrecht Dürer.
The so-called Augsburg Confession was mainly drafted by Philipp Melanchthon …
9Two large-format, illustrated broadsides about the Diet of Regensburg, only one held in German collections
Warhafftige Contrafactur, der Legation oder gesandten, des Groß Fürsten …Prague, ca. 1576.
€ 85,000.00Splendid group portrait in original contemporary colour, showing the Russian delegation of Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible) at the Regensburg Diet of 1576. "The foreign, 'exotic' figures in their strange costumes were considered quite spectacular by the population as well as by the attendees of the Diet [...] As the broadsheet's title announces, the general …
Autograph letter signed.Basel, 8 Jun 1608.
€ 6,500.00Fine and rare letter to a fellow scholar, the Dutch Reformed theologian Conrad Vorstius (von der Vorst, 1569-1622) at the Steinfurt Academy, who would succeed Jacob Arminius as professor in Leiden in 1609, only to be driven from his new office as a Remonstrant by his strictly Calvinist enemies.
By this letter, Buxtorf politely introduces himself …
11A magnificent masterpiece of calligraphy and micrography for Princess Juliana of Hesse-Darmstadt
German Psalter in the translation of Martin Luther.Oldenburg, 1634.
€ 125,000.00A splendid calligraphic manuscript on vellum and paper created for the 28-year-old Juliana of Hesse-Darmstadt (1606-59), countess of East Frisia, later in the collection of Victoria, Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria and Albert of Saxe-Coburg. The micrographic text includes the liturgical calendar for 1634, the Psalms in mirror …
12Württemberg viticulture
Weinkunst Buch. Item Vieh Arzneyen.Probably Württemberg, ca. 1680 / 2nd half of the 17th century.
InquireAttractive, clean and well-legible manuscript on viticulture and wine making, but also brewing, with an extensive veterinary appendix. The autograph ownership written inside the front cover localises the manuscript: mentioned in the "Fürstlich Württembergisch Dienerbuch", Simon Conrad Weinmann first served as cellarer in Münsingen near Reutlingen …
FischBiechlein. Unterschidliche nuzliche Khinst und Recept aller erkantnus …Probably Tyrol, 1724.
€ 6,500.00A pretty early 18th century German manuscript, written in an uneven hand, all about methods to catch fish and crabs. The author describes fishing techniques throughout the year and in various seasons, with rods, weirs, and bare hands, also discussing baits, feathered wobblers, and other lures. Captions include: "Wie man fischen solle", "Huechen auf …
Friendship album of the theologian Matthias Harnwolf with more than 250 …Mostly Leipzig and Jena, but including Berlin, Frankfurt/Oder, Halle/Saale, Liegnitz, Magdeburg, Sopron, and Waldau, 1769-1773.
€ 12,500.00Exceptionally comprehensive friendship album assembled by the theologian Matthias Harnwolf(f), who served as preacher in his native Agendorf (Ágfalva in Hungary) from 1783 until his death in 1809.
Harnwolf was a well-travelled man, of which fact his album gives ample evidence. The first entry is also the most prominent: it is written by none …
15"I consider myself fortunate in knowing my Thalia is in such discriminating hands"
Autograph letter signed.Dresden, 23 Dec 1785.
€ 55,000.00A fine and early letter to his publisher Georg Joachim Göschen, discussing matters of censorship: "I have fulfilled the wish of your and my Censor, dear friend, and send you the note you asked for. This, I hope, will silence the intolerant part of the public. Have the goodness to assure the Herr Censor (whose name pray give me in your next letter) …
16Rare mechanical equinoctial table sundial
Mechanical equinoctial sundial, signed "Jo. / Antonius / Schega".Bavaria or Austria, late 18th century.
€ 28,000.00Rare mechanical equinoctial table sundial by J. A. Schega, active in Augsburg, Munich, and Vienna. Born in Neustadtl (Rudolfswerth, now Novo Mesto, Carniola, Slovenia) as the son of the gunsmith Andreas Schega and his wife Catherina, the instrument maker Schega is first mentioned as a "mechanical artist" in Vienna in 1771. Here he built special lathes …
17Eine "unerreichte" Sammlung
[Trachten aus Tirol].Wien, ca. 1800.
€ 8,500.00Seltene, vollständige Ausgabe der 24 prächtigen Kostümtafeln in einem außergewöhnlichen prächtigen Einband mit Perlmuttbesatz. Jede Tafel sorgfältig und gekonnt handkoloriert und mit deutscher Bildunterschrift (die ersten 16 der 24 auch in Französisch), gestochen von dem deutschen Landschaftsmaler Simon Warnberger (1769-1847) nach dem österreichischen …
18Scarce fine binding from the collection of Alexis Redé
Le retour du bien-aimé. Poëme pastoral.St Petersburg, 1808.
€ 15,000.00Extremely rare, one of only 25 copies printed: a verse dialogue between Corydon and Alexis, based on the herdsman Corydon's lament for the handsome Alexis in Virgil's second Eclogue. In an exquisite contemporary binding, with an interesting provenance in Parisian high society.
Baron Ferdinand de Géramb (1772-1848), born in France to a Hungarian …
Autograph letter signed ("Wieland").No place, 8 Jan 1810.
€ 4,500.00To Eleonore Maximiliane Ottilie Henckel von Donnersmarck, née Countess von Lepel (1756-1843), widow of the Lieutenant-General and Prussian Governor of Königsberg, Victor Amadeus von Henckel zu Donnersmarck (1727-93), and Grand Mistress of the Court with the Grand Duchess Helena of Russia and from 1804 onwards with the Duchess Maria Paulowna von …
Ansichten von Heidelberg und Schwetzingen (spine title).Probably Heidelberg, 1811-1824.
€ 4,500.00Charming and early lithographed series of Graimberg's views showing Heidelberg and its environs (the castle, Wolfsbrunnen, the giant stone on the Gaisberg, the four castles of Neckarsteinach) as well as of Schwetzingen Palace and its famous gardens (prints 34-48), all in very pretty, strictly contemporary hand colour. The present views are mostly …
Friendship album box of Friedrich Ferdinand von Ammon.Göttingen 42, Heidelberg 26, and other places, 1815 to mostly 1817.
€ 8,500.00Exceptionally comprehensive and pretty friendship album assembled by the Prussian jurist and member of parliament Friedrich Ferdinand von Ammon (1794-1874) during his university years in Heidelberg und Göttingen. After serving as judge in various capacities, Ammon was chief prosecutor in Düsseldorf from 1832 to 1835, then councillor to the court …
22Inscribed copy
Die Leiden des jungen Werther. Neue Ausgabe, von dem Dichter selbst eingeleitet.Leipzig, 1825 but: 1824.
€ 65,000.00Charming copy, inscribed by the author to Baron Anstätten: "Dem Scharf- und Tiefblick eines vollendeten Welt- und Geschäftsmannes vertraut die Schilderung jugendlich-ungeregelten Bestrebens Goethe. Weimar am 10. Nov. 1824" ("To the perspicacity and sagacity of a consummate man of the world as well as of business, this account of youthful, disorderly …
Silhouette album for Wilhelm Müller's poem "Frühlingseinzug".No place, 19 Jan 1826.
InquireThe probably last privately owned silhouette album created by Adele Schopenhauer, all other recorded examples being in public collections (several in the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, "Des Einsiedler's Traum" in the Schopenhauer archive at the Frankfurt University library; the silhouettes for Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy are kept at the Bodleian Library, …
Autograph letter signed ("Felix").Birmingham, 21 Sep 1837.
€ 25,000.00One of only two surviving letters to his young wife Cécile Jeanrenaud: "Voici, chère Cécile, comme je garde ma promesse ! 1000 lieues ! 1000 baisers ! Espoir !".
The "promise" to which Mendelssohn alludes probably refers to his departure from England immediately after his participation in the Birmingham Triennial Music Festival on September …
25The traditional costumes of 19th century Hungary
Skizzen aus dem Volksleben in Ungarn.Budapest, 1855.
€ 4,500.00First German edition, following the Hungarian one ("Vázlatok magyarhon népéletéböl") published the same year: a work extremely important for its accurate depiction of the people of Hungary, and of their activities and traditional costume, in the early 19th century. Considered one of the finest examples of visual folk history of the region, each …
26Aus der Sammlung Victor Niederhoffer
Madame Bovary. Mœurs de province.Paris, 1857.
€ 4,500.00First edition of Flaubert's most famous novel and masterwork of French literature in book form, following the censored serialized version in the "Revue de Paris" in 1856. A copy with the characteristics of the first edition, notably the "t" to Sénard's name at the head of the epistle.
Flaubert could only move forward with the publication of …
27About Wagner's influence
7 (5 autograph and 2 secretarial) letters and 2 autograph postcards signed …Berlin and no place, 1870-1900.
€ 9,500.00To his friend, the musicologist Friedrich Chrysander, editor of Händel's works. Subjects include the participation of his wife (the opera singer Amalie Schneeweiss) in a concert directed by Franz Adolf Succo ("Meine Frau wird gern in Succo's Concert singen, wenn Zeit und Gesundheit es irgend gestatten", 17 Sept. 1870), completing their "public quartets" …
30Tom and Becky, lost in the cave, encounter Injun Joe: Clemens's manuscript notes for a projected stage version of "Tom Sawyer"
[Tom Sawyer: A Play]. Autograph working notes.No place, probably late 1883 or early 1884.
€ 45,000.00Three leaves from Clemens’s manuscript notes for a never-performed stage version of "Tom Sawyer" completed in early 1884, featuring sketches for the dramatic scene in which Tom, Huck and Becky encounter Injun Joe in the cave. The notes read, in part: "Enter Tom & Huck. Find bag. 'No use now - got to starve.' Tom says 'No.' Examine - money all …
31Presentation copy of the first edition
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.London, 1886.
€ 48,000.00A literary touchstone of Faustian horror for the industrial age: presentation copy of the first English edition, inscribed on both the cover and the title-page, to "William Slafford, with the Author's Compliments".
"The date upon the front cover was originally 1885, but the last figure was altered by the pen into 6. It had been intended to …
Autograph letter signed ("J. Br.")Vienna, 15 Dec 1893.
€ 9,000.00To his publisher Fritz Simrock: "Epstein dankt mir u. ich danke Ihnen herzlich daß Sie so freundlich hinter dem Rücken des Autors in s[einem] Namen versandten. Nun aber: Was dem E. recht, ist dem Door billig! Wenn Sie das nicht selbst schon gedacht haben, bitte ich, doch auch an Door (I, Sonnenfelsgasse 1) ein Ex. zu senden. (An Brüll habe ich …
34The archivist
The Archivist.Probably Munich, early 20th century.
€ 9,500.00Uncommonly attractive portrayal of an early 19th century archivist or antiquary, sitting at his desk and buried in the study of manuscripts, with piles of early printed books or index volumes at his feet.
Signed at bottom right; old gallery labels on verso. A few chips to the upper edge of the pretty frame, otherwise very well preserved.
35A rarity of technical philosophy
Beitrag zur Beurteilung der Lehren Machs. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung …Berlin-Wilmersdorf, 1908.
InquireExtremely rare first edition of Robert Musil's dissertation about the Austrian physicist and philosopher Ernst Mach (1838-1916) with which he completed his postgraduate education in philosophy, psychology, physics and mathematics at the University of Berlin (1903-1908). Printed in a tiny press run, the thesis was awarded the grade "laudabile". Previously, …
36A Reger discovery
89 autograph letters and postcards signed.Leipzig, Meiningen, Tegernsee and other places, 1909-1915.
€ 35,000.00Remarkable corpus of 89 autograph letters and postcards to his publishers Hugo and Gustav Bock. To judge from the catalogue of Reger's letters made available online by the Max-Reger-Portal, only some 30 items in the present collection would appear to be recorded or published: some of them are to be found, often only in extract form, in Lotte Taube's …
37Masterpiece from the Wiener Werkstätte
Presentation box containing 127 congratulatory cards by notable writers …Vienna, 1910/1911.
€ 45,000.00Unique, splendidly presented collection of 127 birthday cards, personally inscribed by notable Austrian and German writers and artists including Thomas Mann, Hermann Hesse, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, and Arthur Schnitzler.
The elaborate red morocco casket, a masterpiece from the Wiener Werkstätte in the shape of a little house with a curved …
Einführung in das Wesen der Mythologie. Gottkindmythos. Eleusinische Mysterien.Amsterdam & Leipzig, 1941.
€ 2,800.00First edition, with authorial presentation inscription "To Peter! Here is a souvenir from Switzerland! C. G. Jung".
39First printing of Israel's Declaration of Independence: a promise of "full social and political equality" for all citizens
Iton Rishmi. [Official Gazette of Israel, no. 1].Tel Aviv, 14 May 1948.
€ 12,500.00First printing of the Israeli Declaration of Independence. This was the first publication rescinding the 1937 White Paper that had restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine. With the names of all of the signing members of the Provisional Government, headed by David Ben-Gurion, printed on p. 2, this document heralded the end of British involvement …
40Portraits of icons
The Rosen archive of autographed polaroids, containing unique vintage portraits …London, Sydney and other places, 1980-2001.
InquireThe present collection, predominantly featuring portraits from London in the early 1980s, is an exceptional chronicle of an era and its cultural icons. A photographer for Rolling Stone and other music magazines, Robert Rosen was as much a part of the elite social circles as the celebrities he captured. His journey into vintage portraiture began with …