Louys, Pierre

Pierre Louys, French poet, 1870-1925

Pierre Louys was a French poet and writer, most renowned for lesbian and classical themes in some of his writings. Louys was named Chevalier de la Légion d’honneur on 31 December 1909 for his contribution to French literature as a man of letters. He was promoted to Officier de la Légion d’honneur on 14 January 1922. Many erotic artists have illustrated his writings. Some of the most renowned have been Georges Barbier, Paul-Émile Bécat, and André Edouard Marty. The best known illustrations for The Songs of Bilitis were done by Willy Pogany in art deco style for a publication privately circulated by Macy-Masius, New York, in 1926.

  • Louÿs, Pierre, French poet and novelist (1870-1925). Autograph letter monogramed.No place, "Jeudi" after April 1915, before April 1917.

  • Louÿs, Pierre, French poet and novelist (1870-1925). 1 autograph letter signed and 1 autograph letter monogrammed.Tamaris La Seyne-sur-Mer, 12 and 13 Sept. 1907.

  • Louÿs, Pierre, French poet and novelist (1870-1925). Autograph letter.N. p., "30 mars", n. y.

  • Louÿs, Pierre, French poet and novelist (1870-1925). 1 autograph letter signed and 1 autograph letter monogrammed.N. p., 8. I. 1908, and n. d.

  • Louÿs, Pierre, French poet and novelist (1870-1925). Autograph letter signed.Paris, "Mercredi matin".

  • Louÿs, Pierre, French poet and novelist (1870-1925). 3 autograph letters signed and 1 autograph lettercard signed.Dizy Marne, 25-30 Dec. 1887.
