[Rüdinger, Esrom]. Disputatio grammatica. De interpretatione Graecorum verborum.

Wittenberg, J. Schwertel, 1571.

4to. 12 unnumbered ff. With a woodcut initial. Modern boards.


First edition.

A polemical piece of textual criticism directed against Nicolaus Selneccer and his interpretation of Greek works pertaining to the resurrection of Christ. The Bamberg theologian Rüdinger (1523-91) was a tutor at Joachim Camerarius's home; he later taught physics at Wittenberg, where he joined the Moravian Brethren and was evicted from Saxony as a crypto-Calvinist.

Some brownstaining; occasional underlinings by a contemporary hand. A large tear to f. A3 has been repaired by an earlier owner, resulting in the loss of a line of text.


VD 16, R 3478. Cf. ADB XXIX, 470.

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