Mildorfer, Simon. Encomia nunquam sat laudatae Caesareae, Regiae, Archiducalis, &c. domus Austriacae aes, et marmor, in Ecclesia S. Crucis Oenipontano-Aulica praedicant: Quae Simon Milldorffer [...] toti orbi propalare conatur. Ruhm deß [...] Ertz-Hauß Oesterreichs.

Innsbruck, Jacob Christoph Wagner, 1715.

Folio. Title page with woodcut border. 34 unnumbered ff. and 30 engr. plates. Somewhat later marbled half vellum.


First and only edition. These highly original mezzotints present the 28 larger-than-life bronze statues guarding the tomb of Emperor Maximilian in the Innsbruck Court church. In reference to this sculptural program, commissioned by the Emperor himself but not completed until 1584, this burial church located at the fringe of the old town is known to this day as "Schwarzmanderkirche".

Very rare; only two copies on German postwar auctions (1953 and 1987, both severely defective). Not in ABPC or in the last decades' trade. Not in OCLC.


Wurzbach XVIII, 312. Thieme/Becker XXIV, 557.

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