Historia Ordinis Equitum Teutonicorum Hospitalis S. Mariae V. Hierosolymitani.
Folio (244 x 348 mm). 4 parts in one volume. (12), 56, 120, (2) pp., 99 seals on 7 engraved plates (counted as "pag. 123"-"129"), 26 genealogical tables on 13 double leaves, (2), 21, (1), (22) pp. Title-page printed in red and black. With engraved title vignette, engraved headpiece to dedication (in red and black), two numismatic engravings in the text, and numerous woodcuts and vignettes. Contemporary vellum with handwritten spine title; giltstamped library signet at lower spine-end: "S[ancta] D[orothea]".
€ 2,500.00
Only edition of this history of the Order of the Teutonic Knights, co-authored by Johann Friedrich Schannat. Part 3 treats the Bailiwick of Austria.
Handwritten ownership note of St Dorothy's Church in Vienna on front pastedown: "Hunc librum Bibliothecae nostrae Dorotheanae donavit Adm[irabilis] R[everendissim]us D[omi]nus Joachimus de Sartori R[everendi]ssimi, et Illustrissimi Ordinis Equitum Teutonicorum Sacerdos et Curatus bonus amicus noster anno 1740". Lower pastedown shows a penciled 1936 acquisition note by Hans Hiesberger (?) from Mank, where the author Duelli (1693-1769), a Viennese Canon Regular, had spent his last years as a priest. Last text leaf of the appendix misbound. Occasional slight brownstaining. A clean, appealing copy.
Wermke 1806. Winkelmann 4949. Heydenreich I, 110. Bernd 2394. NDB IV, 160.