Letter signed ("BBrin"). With an autograph note by the politician Felice Vallegia.
Large 8vo. 1¾ pp. on bifolium. In Italian.
€ 120.00
To the lawyer and politician Felice Vallegia, who had inquired about the possibility of purchasing a ship that had been decommissioned by the Italian Navy: "I hasten to confirm to Your Excellency that the Royal Navy does not now possess any ship in the condition you indicated, as all the ships considered by law for alienation have been sold or scrapped. Only the royal battleship 'Count Verder' remains, which has been disbarred from the naval cadres [...] but [...] is in such a state of decay that it could in no way be put back into service [...]" (transl.).
Vallegia's autograph note, dated Rome 24 October 1884, on fol. 2v reads: "just today was I able to speak with Brin. I wanted a written reply so that you may better know how things stand [...]" (transl.).
Brin held the post of Minister of the Navy several times between 1876 and 1896. Under Giolitti in 1892/93, he also served as Minister of Foreign Affairs.
On stationery with printed letterhead "Ministry of the Navy."