The geography of the Ottoman Empire, as seen by a 17th century German writer

Cosmographus, Philo. Trinum Marinum: oder: Die an einander hangende Drey Meer Pontus Euxinus, Propontis, cum Archipelago: oder: Das Schwartze, Weisse, und Egeische Meer.

Augsburg, Anton Nepperschmid for Jakob Enderlin, 1693.

Folio (305 x 190 mm). (2), 61, (1) pp. Title page printed in red and black. With 11 (instead of 18?) plates containing 22 copper engravings. Modern boards.


Fascinating, little-received geographical study focusing on the Eastern Mediterranean and Asia Minor, then under Ottoman rule. The anonymous late 17th-century German author hides behind the name of "Philo Cosmographus" and is evidently identical with the "Philo Chronographus" who produced the similarly themed chronographical work, "Arca Temporum", which was often issued together with this, though produced by a different publisher and catalogued separately. The present work features an overview of the geography of the Ottoman Empire, including the Aegean, the Sea of Marmara, and the Black Sea region - the "three seas" to which the title refers. Numerous pages of plates (each page containing two copper engravings) depict maps and views as well as animals (a hyena and sheep, Iraklion and Chania, Nauplia, Koroni, Rhodes, Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Izmir, etc.).

The number of plates, and indeed even the arrangement of engravings on a single page, varies from copy to copy, but this wants 8 plates as compared to the table of plates provided in "Arca Temporum". Occasional inkstains, but well-preserved.


VD 17, 7:688727L; 3:605737C. Weller, Pseud. 439.