Obicini, Tommaso. Thesaurus Arabico-Syro-Latinus.

Rome, Sac. Congreg. de Propaganda Fide, 1636.

8vo. (6), 447, (22) pp. Woodcut printer's device to title page. Contemp. vellum.


First edition of this Syriac glossary (rather than a thesaurus proper), arranged by subject rather than by alphabet: "Neque vero thesaurus est, sed verius nomenclator, non quidem ordine alphabetico, sed per materias dispositus. Verus auctor est Elias Barsinaeus, Metropolita Sobae seu Nisibis, undecimo saeculo clarus" (Schnurrer).

Edited by Tommaso Obicini da Novara (1585-1632), "one of the figures at the background of the Propaganda Press, abbot of the Franciscan convent at Aleppo from 1613-16 and 1619-20, and in 1620 elected Custode di Terra Santa e Commissario Apostolico per tutto l’Oriente. In 1621 he returned to Rome, and became the first lector of Arabic in the St. Peter Convent at Rome" (Smitskamp 222).

Evenly browned throughout due to paper. Title page shows stamp of the Franciscan Convent of St. Anthony in Breslau-Karlowitz.


BM-STC 624. Smitskamp 223. Schnurrer 63. Fück 77. Zaunmüller 372. Vater/Jülg 24. Graesse V, 1. Ebert 14920.

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