Forty-four years in Asia
Historica narratio, de initio et progressu missionis Societatis Jesu apud Chinenses, ac praesertim in regia Pequinensi.
Vienna, Matthäus Cosmerovius, 1665.
8vo. (12), 267, (3) pp. With engraved portrait. Modern half vellum, using an older Hebrew manuscript.
€ 9,500.00
First edition.
J. A. Schall (1591-1666), missionary and astronomer at the Imperial court at Beijing, was one of the principal Jesuit missionaries in China. He reformed the Chinese calendar and redesigned the Imperial observatory. The present work is his report of his 44-year activity in Asia, also a first-rate source for the history of the 17th-century Jesuit mission in the East. It was edited by J. Foresi after his death.
Old ownerships deleted from title-page; some browning and occasional brownstaining.
Streit V, 2323. Cordier 821. Lust 845. De Backer/Sommervogel VII, 707, 29, & III, 877, 3 (Foresi).