The Religions of the Orient - edited in the original Arabic text

Bernstein, Georg Heinrich (ed.). De initiis et originibus religionum in oriente dispersarum quae differunt a religione christiana liber. E codice manu scripto arabico bibliothecae universitatis litterarum regiae Gottingensis.

Berlin, Maurer, 1817.

4to. VIII, 71, 57 pp. Giltstamped red boards.


First edition of this treatise on the origins of the non-Christian religions of the Orient, written by Notaras Chrysantis (c. 1670-1735) and here edited in the original Arabic text with Latin translation and critical apparatus after a ms. in the Göttingen University Library. G. H. Bernstein (1787-1860) taught oriental languages at the universities of Berlin and Breslau. He is chiefly famous for his preliminary studies for the "Thesaurus Syriacus", a dictionary of Syriac produced after his death by Robert Payne Smith.

Contemporary autograph ownership and review note of the Marburg oriental scholar Johann Melchior Hartmann (1764-1827), among whose work is a "Commentatio de geographia Africae Edrisiana", published in 1792. Later stamp of the Basel chemist Dr. Remy Cantieni (1940s). Last in the Ottoman collection of the Swiss industrialist Herry W. Schaefer.



ADB II, 485.

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