A Relation or Diary of the Siege of Vienna.
4to. (6), 112 pp. (but: 108 pp.; pp. 61-64 skipped in pagination). With large engraved map of Vienna and its environs; wants an additional plan. Contemporary calf; spine repaired; leading edges gilt. All edges sprinkled in red.
€ 3,500.00
First English translation. The Imperial Councillor of War J. P. a Vaelckeren was sick in Vienna in 1683 when the Turks enclosed the capital. His report of the siege and liberation of the city quickly spread throughout Europe in numerous editions and translations.
Wants the map of Vienna; the corresponding "explanation of figures" is present in the preliminaries. Early 19th c. ownership "H. E. Somerville" to pastedown. A good copy of this rare English imprint.
Sturminger 2953. Apponyi II, 1132. ESTC R28429. Gugitz I, 485. Cf. Kábdebo, p. 43f. Cf. Mayer 576ff. Cf. Jöcher IV, 1381.