The first and most influential translation of 'Das Kapital'
Kapital'. Kritika Politicheskoi Ekonomii.
St. Petersburg, N. P. Poliakov, 1872.
8vo. (2), XIII, (2), 678 pp. Contemporary half calf with gilt title to spine. In custom-made green morocco-backed clamshell case.
€ 50,000.00
First edition in Russian, the first translation of "Das Kapital" into any language. Due to the unexpected popularity of the book, and its subsequent ban in the 1890s, this edition of 3000 copies was soon exhausted and the book became very rare. Later, Marx noted the excellence of the Russian translation. In 1880, he wrote to F. Zorge saying that of all countries, the "Capital" had been read and appreciated most fully in Russia.
Marx-Engels Erstdrucke 33.