Only edition
Globus caelestis Cufico-Arabicus Veliterni Musei Borgiani [...] illustratus. Praemissa ejusdem De Arabum astronomia dissertatione et adjectis duabus epistolis Cl. Josephi Toaldi.
Small folio (216 x 294 mm). (16), CCXIX, (9) pp. With 3 large folding engraved plates. Contemporary green half calf with gilt spine and marbled covers.
€ 28,000.00
Only edition of this rare study decribing a celestial globe with Cufic lettering in the Borgia Museum at Velletri. The book also contains a dissertation on the astronomy of the Arabs, with Arabic excerpts from the works of Ahmed al-Farghani (Alfraganus; cf. GAL I, 221), one of the most famous medieval Muslim astronomers. Simone Assemani (1752-1821), a great-nephew of Joseph Assemani, the cataloguer of the oriental manuscripts in the Vatican library, is best known for his catalogue of the manuscripts and Cufic coins in the Naniana in Venice (cf. Fück 125).
Calf somewhat worn at spine-ends and hinges. Old library shelfmark label pasted on inside of upper cover. A fine copy.
Brunet VI, 8185. DG 7.9265. M. H. Fikri, Treasures from the Arab Scientific Legacy in Europe, no. 13 (with full-page illustration).