Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov). Zaiavlenie i dokumenty o rozryve tsentral’nykh uchrezhdenii s partiei. No. 13. Izdatel’stvo "Vpered".

Geneva, Kooperativnaja Tipograf., 1905.

8vo. 13, (1) pp., final blank. Original printed wrappers.


Extremely rare pamphlet by Lenin concerning the party's historic split into Bolshevik and Menshevik factions, titled in German: "Parteibeho[e]rden gegen die Partei" (the Russian title translates as: "Declaration and documents concerning the schism between central institutions and party"). The pamphlet was printed in January 1905 by the Russian Social Democatic Workers' Party.

In this harsh and bilious text Lenin criticizes three party members, Glebov-Avilov, Valentin, and Nikitich, whom he accuses of double-dealing and anti-Bolshevik agitation. All three were members of the Central Committee, as was Lenin himself. Although Bolsheviks and Mensheviks formally constituted two different parties in 1905, they were in fact still close, and what Lenin calls the three members' "treason" was merely their sympathy and agitation for the Mensheviks. Unlike Lenin, most Bolshevik leaders were still prepared to co-operate with their former allies and even harboured hopes for reunification. Lenin's views of the time, as evidenced in this brochure, held a fringe position even within his own faction. His text, however, was widely distributed among the local committees and helped Lenin achieve increasing popularity. A suggestion voiced by "Vpered" that the work be translated into all European languages as soon as possible never materialized.


OCLC 85287907.

Stock Code: BN#47316 Tag: