Autograph letter signed.
8vo. 2 pages on bifolium.
€ 9,500.00
Letter to the delegates of the Austrian Workers' Party in which Lafargue praises the Austrian Socialist Movement: due to the workers' mentality, he writes, the movement managed to withstand the police actions against them that would otherwise have led to anarchy. Lafargue compares the Austrian situation to the German one. There, Bismarck's strategy of fighting the workers' movement through his Anti-Socialist Laws even advanced it and ultimately led to socialism being imported to the USA through his expulsions: "L'énergie, l'intelligence et l'esprit de discipline des ouvriers de votre pays vous ont permis de triompher des manoeuvres policières pour égarer le mouvement socialiste autrichien dans l'anarchie [...] il brûle d'imiter Bismarck, qui par ses lois d'exception, a contribué à constituer le plus puissant parti socialiste qui existe, et par ses expulsions a réussi à importer le socialisme aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique". Lafargue mentions the French situation and the measures taken by the government, namely imprisonment and gunfire. He especially notes, with a hint of irony, the First of May protests in Fourmies, where nine persons were killed and many more prosecuted: "Nous sommes aussi en France l'objet de la sollicitude du gouvernement; il essaie d'entraver notre mouvement par des manoeuvres policières, des emprisonnements et des fusillades. Le gouvernement après avoir massacré les socialistes à Fourmies, et les avoir chargé et sabré dans toutes les villes le 1er mai dernier, continue son oeuvre par des poursuites judiciaires [...]".
On squared, headed paper of the French Workers' Party. Some stains. Traces of old folds.