[Marie Antoinette]. Bemerkungen über den Charakter und das Betragen Marien Antoniens von Österreich, Königinn von Frankreich und Navarra. Durich die Bürgerinn Maria Theresia. Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von J. R.

Vienna, F. A. Schrämbl, 1793.

8vo. VII, (1), 51, (1) pp. Papered spine.


Only edition of this rare apology of Marie Antoinette, who would be guillotined on 16 October that same year.

Some duststaing and browning to exterior; altogether well-preserved. Only two copies recorded in public collections (both in the Austrian National Library); the French original, of which this is purportedly a translation, is likely fictitious.


Not in Fromm.

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