From the library of Sultan Abdul Hamid II
[Ilm-i emraz-i dahiliye]. Maladies des organes circulatoires (Knowledge of Internal Medicine. Diseases of the Circulatory System, Part 1, Volume 3).
8vo. (2), 573-702 [but: 704; pagination leaps from 652 back to 651], (4) pp. With lithogr. illustrations within the text. Contemporary giltstamped red morocco binding with the tughra of Sultan Abdul Hamid II, marked as vol. 4, moirée paper pastedowns and endpapers with red cloth gutter. All edges gilt.
€ 4,500.00
A rare first edition of the Ottoman Turkish translation of this medical textbook on internal diseases, published in instalments between 1888 and 1891. "Lehrbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie der inneren Krankheiten", written by the German physician Adolf von Strümpell (1853-1925), appeared in two volumes in Leipzig in 1883/84. This volume, with diagrams and one illustration in the index, discusses diseases of the heart and the arteries. The translator was the physician Feyzullah Izmidî (1845-1923), known as a researcher of cholera in Damascus during the epidemic of 1903; the Damascus Medical Faculty developed from Feyzi Pasha’s medical office for researches.
Endpapers slightly stained, binding slightly scuffed with insignificant chipping to edges and spine. Very rare: we could only trace one complete series of the Turkish translation via Worldcat (Princeton University Library) and no separate volumes.
From the library of Sultan Abdul Hamid II (1842-1918), the last Sultan of the Ottoman Empire to exert effective contol over the fracturing state and also remembered as a poet, translator and one of the dynasty's greatest bibliophiles. While his passion for books is memorialized by the many precious donations he gave to libraries all over the world and which mostly have remained intact to this day (including the 400-volume "Abdul-Hamid II Collection of Books and Serials" gifted to the Library of Congress), his own library was dispersed in the years following his deposition in 1909: books were removed to other palaces and even sold to Western collectors; the greatest part of his collection is today preserved in the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin.
OCLC 25347275. Özege, Eski harflerle 8853. H. Kadircan Keskinbora, Osmanlinin Suriye’ye son hizmetlerinden sam tip fakültesi zorunluluktan mi kuruldu?