Anilinfarben - Fabrikniederlage Krone. Anilinovi boi za vulna, poluvulna, pamuku i izk[ustvena] koprina. [Aniline Dyes for Wool, Blended Wool Fabric and Cotton].

Sofia & Cherven Bryag, main Krone subsidiary for Bulgaria: Alexander & Stoyan P. Darakchiev, [1938?].

26 pp. With 256 well preserved wool and fabric samples in fresh anilin dyes, solidly mounted on thick cardboard. Original black calico binding with pictorial cover incorporating gilt title and spine.


A well-preserved 1930s collection of fabric swatches dyed in various colours: wool, shajak (a fine Bulgarian wool fabric), demi-wool, sulan, and imitation silk (rayon).

Bulgaria and other allies of Nazi Germany played a major role in supporting the German economical expansion during the 1930s and 1940s. The catchword "Großraumplanung" stood for the German industries' aim to expand throughout the Balkans and Turkey as far as Iran. A major sector of National Socialist business interests, the chemical industry in particular grew rapidly. Its leading players such as I.G. Farben promoted their anilin dyes by establishing local subsidiaries in the East who would then distribute bilingual swatchbooks such as the present specimen.

The tipped-in sample pages are captioned in German and Bulgarian throughout. Prefixed is a manual in both languages on how to dye the fabrics (several of which, such as sulan and shajak, are traditional Bulgarian cloths).

Covers very slightly worn at extremeties; light duststaining to cards. Some strands of dyed wool loosened, but generally in good condition. A rare document of National Socialist industrial imperialism in Eastern Europe.


Cf. Arbeitskreis I.G. Farben der Bundesfachtagung der Chemiefachschaften (Hg.), "…von Anilin bis Zwangsarbeit". Der Weg eines Monopols durch die Geschichte. Zur Entstehung und Entwicklung der deutschen chemischen Industrie (Aachen 1994), p. 59.

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