Das deutsche Vaterland
"Das deutsche Vaterland". Autograph musical manuscript signed.
Weimar, 27 Nov. 1841.
Oblong-4to. 2 pp.
€ 35,000.00
A four-stave system, then six two-stave systems, with words in German. A four-voice choir on the famous nationalist poem of Ernst Moritz Arndt which had become in 1813 the hymn of the German resistance fighters to the Napoleonic occupation. It is the first stanza which is set to music here, as is often the case, and this music allows, in rehearsal, to sing the whole poem: "Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland? Ist's Preußenland? Ist's Schwabenland? Ist's wo am Rhein die Rebe blüht? Ist's wo am Belt die Möwe zieht ? O nein, nein, nein! Sein Vaterland muss größer sein! [...]".