[American-Austrian commercial treaty]. [Treaty of Commerce and Navigation Between Austria-Hungary and The United States]. Schiff-Fahrts und Handels-Vertrag zwischen Seiner k. k. apostolischen Majestät und den vereinigten Staaten von Amerika; abgeschlossen zu Washington am 27. August 1829, und wovon die Ratifications-Urkunden am 10. Hornung 1831 ebendaselbst ausgewechselt worden sind.

Vienna, k. k. Hof- und Staats-Aerial-Druckerey, 1831.

4to. 14 pp. With woodcut title vignette (double-headed eagle). Original papered spine.


First edition of this first commercial treaty concluded under Emperor Francis I and President Andrew Jackson between the Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy and the United States of America, represented by the Austrian consul Alois Baron von Lederer and Martin van Buren as U.S. Secretary of State. Van Buren would serve as eighth president of the United States from 1837 to 1841.

Concluded 27 August 1829; ratified by Jackson 11 February 1830; ratifications exchanged and proclaimed 10 February 1831. Introduction in Latin, treaty in German and English in parallel columns. The final article advises that, since the treaty was originally composed in English, "the English version is to decide the interpretation, should any difference in regard to it unfortunately arise".

Light foxing and brownstains, occasional light buckling. Rare; KVK lists only three copies (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Austrian National Library, and Ministerial library of the Austrian Ministry of Finance), to which OCLC adds only two more (Harvard Law School and Princeton).


OCLC 49371593.

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