Philoxeni Mabbugensis tractatus tres de trinitate et incarnatione (Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalum. Scriptores syri. Textus. Series secunda. Tomus XXVII).
Paris / Leipzig, Poussielgue / Harrassowitz, 1907.
4to. (4), 271 pp., final blank page. Contemporary half vellum over marbled boards with giltstamped spine, giltstamped spine-label, and and handwritten shelfmark to spine.
€ 500.00
First edition, rare. Historic edition of the notable Syrian treatise on incarnation and the Trinity. In Syriac type.
Pencil annotations to pp. 33-69. Stamps of ownership of Joseph A. Nelson and the library of St. Joseph's Seminary in Dunwoodie, New York, to title-page (the latter also to lower flyleaf).
OCLC 652404559.