Cybo-Malaspina, Carlo, Prince of Massa-Carrara (1581-1662). Letter signed.

Massa, 13. I. 1613.

4to. 1 p. With address (folding letter).


Probably to his grandfather and predecessor on the throne of Massa-Carrara, Alberico I Cybo-Malaspina (1534-1623), thanking him for the "good announcement" from Christmas: "V. E. conserva una viva memoria di favorirmi, mà non si raccorda di commandarmi, e pur sa alo desiderio di servirla. Bacio a V. E. le mani del buon annuncio fattomi nelle sante festi di Natale, et augurando a Lei, in ogni tempo tutte le contentezze. Finisco".

Very slight staining. With collector's notes in pencil and crayon.

Stock Code: BN#57657 Tag: