Lesseps, Edmond-Prosper de, French diplomat in Peru and Bolivia (1815-1868). Autograph calling card signed.

"Reception, à 2 heures".

Calling card format. 1 page. In French.


To an acquaintance about a diplomatic affair that is about to be brought to a successful conclusion with the help of the Emperor, his administrative council, and the orders given to the Minister of the Exterior, pointing out that he had an excellent day, and asking for instructions: "Par l'Empereur de Ferdinand et de son Conseil d'adm[inistrati]on assurances d'appui et d'ordres donnés au M[inis]tre des aff[aires] Etr[angèr]es pour mener l'entreprise à bonne fin. La journée a donc été excellente - j'ai voulu que comme à moi vous en fassiez des 1ers instruits [...]".

Slightly soiled and faded.

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