Maurois, André, French writer (1885-1967). 2 autograph letters signed.

Lyon and Saint-Médard-d’Excideuil, 18 March 1955 and n. d.

8vo and postcard format. Together 2½ pp.


The dated letter was undoubtedly addressed to Jean Cocteau, as it concerns events following his election to the Académie française on 3 March 1955 that had been sponsored by Maurois. After apologizing for having missed the "handover of the sword" and being unable to attend an upcoming "commission reading", Maurois promises to fulfil his duties as Cocteau's "godfather" on the 27th and attend the unspecified event "adorned with decorations": "Je n'ai pas de chance ! Le jour de remise de l'épée j'étais à Londres ; le jour de la lecture en commission je serai à Genève. Mais le 27, le parrain sera fidèle au poste, et chamarré comme il convient [...]". Cocteau's official reception by Maurois would follow on 20 October 1955.

The undated letter is to thank an Italian friend named Roberto for a book, also mentioning a grave illness of his mother-in-law Jeanne de Caillavet (1874-1961): "Vous avez montré (comme toujours) autant de générosité que de talent. Merci de tout cœur. Pour moi ce livre aura été un utile exercice. Comprendre est toujours une joie. Comprendre des choses qui pour moi, et pour beaucoup de lecteurs, sont neuves n'a enchanté. Nous avons de tristes Pâques, la mère de Simone ayant eu une crise cardiaque. Cela va mieux mais l'alerte fut sérieuse. Mais tout le village est venu dimanche [...]".

The dated letter on stationery of the "Grand nouvel Hôtel" in Lyon. The second letter on stationery with printed letterhead.

Stock Code: BN#58484 Tag: