Scarce work on the Jewish high priests

Braun, Johann. [Bigdê kohanîm], id est vestitus sacerdotum hebraeorum, sive commentarius amplissimus in Exodi cap. 28, ac 29 & Levit. cap 16 aliaque loca S. Scripturae quamplurima. Liber primus (-secundus).

Amsterdam, Janssonius-Waesberge, Daniel Elzevier, Jan van Someren Wwe., Henr. & Theod. Boom, 1680.

4to. 2 vols. (58), 430 (but: 432), (36) pp. (4), 431-940 (but: 433-942), (48) pp. With engraved frontispiece, 5 engr. plates (1 of which folding), 11 full-page engr. illustrations in the text and 1 engr. numismatic illustration in the text. Contemporary half calf with double giltstamped labels to gilt spines.


First edition, rare. "A scarce work on the Jewish high priests. The first volume discusses the materials, colors and origins of sacred dress; in the second volume the various forms of the garments are considered" (OCLC 39926835, regarding the Leyden edition published by Arnold Doud in the same year). "La première partie traite de l’origine, la matière et la couleur des vêtements sacerdotes des hébreux; le second est relatif à la forme des diverses parties de ces vêtements" (Colas).

Occasionally somewhat browned due to paper. Vol. 2 with defect to spine and occasional worming. Small flaw to corner of p. 499 (contemporarily rebacked; no loss to text or illustration). Untrimmed and largely uncut copy.


Colas 424. Rahir 1732. Willems 1575. RGG² I, 1227. Cf. Fürst I, 131 (1701 ed.). Cf. Hiler 112 and Lipperheide Oc 15 (1697f. ed.).