A wedding and an accident in the family of Renoir's friend Claude Monet
Autograph letter signed ("Renoir").
8vo. 1 p.
€ 6,500.00
Charming letter to Claude Monet, congratulating him on the marriage of his daughter-in-law Germaine Hochedé with the lawyer Albert Salerou and sending well-wishes to his son Michel Monet, who had broken his leg in an automobile accident, as his student Jeanne Baudot had informed Renoir about the accident "the moment that I wrote to send my felicitations to Madame Salerou". The letter in full: "Au moment où j'écrivais pour envoyer mes félicitations à Madame Salerou, Mademoiselle Baudot me dit qu'elle a lu dans le journal que ton fils s'était cassé une jambe. Comme je sais ce que c'est que les cassures je l'en plains davantage en espérant qu'il n'y a pas complication. J'espère par l'un ou l'autre avoir des nouvelles. Sois mon interprète auprès de ta femme et auprès de ton fils pour leur dire combien je suis touché de cet accident".
Claude Monet was an early enthusiast of automobiles and presented a quadricycle to his son Michel, who was equally fascinated with cars, of which he would own several. A report on the accident in the New York Herald from Thursday, 20 November 1902 reads: "M. Michel Monet, son of M. Claude Monet, the artist, met with an automobile accident at Vernon. He was thrown against a tree and sustained a fracture of his leg." Michel Monet would die in a car accident in Vernon on 3 February 1966.
Minimal foxing.