4 autograph letters signed.
8vo. 5¼ pp. on 7 ff.
€ 3,500.00
A letter dated 10 July 1932 to the manager of the Park Hotel in Lugano, announcing a brief stay with his future wife Marie Koudacheva: "J'aurais l'intention de revenir passer quelque temps dans votre hôtel, avec Madame Koudacheff [...]".
A letter dated 25 July 1932, again to the Park Hotel, announcing his late arrival and hoping that rooms 28 and 29 might available: "Veuillez me faire savoir si les chambres No. 28, 29 avec salle de bains, que vous me destiniez, sont encore libre [...]".
A letter dated 27 July 1932 to the hotel manager, stating that their arrival will take place as scheduled, requesting a supper of oat or barley cream soup, cold chicken with jelly or hot roast chicken, mashed potatoes and chocolate soufflé, whereas Mme Koudacheva would have the regular menu: "Nous arriverons donc demain, jeudi, par le train de Locarno [...] Pour le souper, voudriez-vous me faire préparer un menu, comme suit: potage crème avoine ou orge [...]".
A letter dated 4 September 1933 to the Austrian actor Alexander Moissi, in anticipation of their meeting. An illness forces Rolland to rest his body, but his mind hardly ever rests: "Je serai très heureux de vous rencontre enfin! Assez malade et obligé au repos (au repos du corps, car l'esprit ne se repose guère!) [...]".
The two letters from Ascona with printed letterhead "Monte Verità", a hotel built on the famous site of the former sanitarium. Three letters to the hotel management with holes to the top or left margin, one with additional tiny pierced holes, markings and notes in red crayon and pencil as well as date stamps.