Rare elementary work on the use of the table abacus

(Stromer von Auerbach, Heinrich). Algorithmus linealis numerationem additionem subtractionem duplationem mediationem multiplicationem divisionem et progressionem una cum regula de tri perstringens.

Leipzig, Jakob Thanner, 1510.

4to. 7 ff. Marbled wrappers.


An important mathematical work by Heinrich Stromer (d. 1542), humanist, scholar and physician, rector of Leipzig University, professor of pathology and dean of the medical faculty. This is one of many editions of his introduction to arithmetic, based on the use of the table abacus. "It covers all the basic arithmetic operations from simple addition through mediation, duplation, multiplication and division" (Tomash & Williams). The work was first printed in Leipzig in 1504, and all editions are rare; this is the second.

Stromer von Auerbach was a friend and correspondent of Erasmus, Pirckheimer and Reuchlin and later became personal physician to Albrecht of Brandenburg. Born in Auerbach near Chemnitz, he built in 1532 the famous "Auerbach-Hof" in Leipzig, immortalized in Goethe’s "Faust".


From an old Czech private collection.


Slight waterstain to lower corner. A contemporary humanist's ink annotations in Latin to the first page of text.


VD 16, S 9697. OCLC 982116216. Smith, Rara arithmetica, p. 83 (note). Cf. Tomash & Williams S206 (1520 Vienna edition only). For biography and literature of Stromer see Allen, Erasmi Epist. II, p. 554. Schottenloher II, 20873-77. Not in Adams or BM-STC German.

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