A 15th century medical manual, used by a 16th century surgeon

[Medical manuscript]. "Ein bewert artzini bochelein". Medical manual and recipe book.

Germany, 15th and early 16th century.

4to (155 x 200 mm). German manuscript in black and brown ink on paper, mainly by two hands. 198 ff. with a total of 323 written pp. Watermark: writhing fish with flower (type Piccard 44418, Braunschweig 1565, but attested in very similar form as early as the mid-15th century in the Münster chronicles, Göttingen, Cod. Ms. hist. 540). Numerous decorative ink initials; one ink illustration (alembic). Contemporary brown calf with blindstamped rules and central ornament to both covers. Traces of ties.


Unpublished German therapeutic manual containing a comprehensive body of recipes, owned by a 16th century German gallstone surgeon.

The main part of the manuscript, which paleographial evidence places as early as the 15th century, begins on folio 44r and comprises some 120 closely written leaves in a single hand, entitled: "her noch volget ein bewert artzini bochelein vor ein apostem oder geschwel oder geschwolcz zw erkenn oder waß es sy ussehalb des leibs oder inerhalb zw curirenn und zw heillenn und wi du dich vast zw halltenn". A total of 22 chapters offer extensive recipes, rules of conduct and medicinal instructions, including a section on injuries ("kurtze doch eigentliche underwissung und leer alle wundenn strich un[d] dergelichen verletzung des leibs ... zw heilenn und curierenn mit vast schener gruntlicher und bewerter artzini hülff", fol. 60v), a recipe against varices ("recept das bewert ist von denn krampff aderenn", fol. 96r), or a therapy for damaged cranium ("bewert recept gruntlicher cur und heilung der haupt wondenn mit gebrochner oder beschaidigter hern schallen", fol. 112v). This part is also notable for containing a good drawing of an alembic or still (fol. 104v).

Written by the same hand, this is followed by a section on rose and camomile oil as well as other vegetable oils ("olichen"), a recipe against smallpox (fol. 143r ), and knowledge for barber surgeons, including instructions for treating bone fractures (fol. 147 ff.); the end is brought up by numerous assorted recipes for ointments and bandages.

The beginning of the book, written in a different hand apparently in the first third of the 16th century, comprises a brief section on syphilis ("Der rechter artt und brauch die frantzosen zu heilen und zum ersten die holcz ordenung lingnum guiaicum genant", 7 pages) and a surgeon's catechism in 38 questions and answers ("Frag und antwortt ettlicher meister stuck einem jeden so sich der wunt artzeney gebrauchen will nutzlich und nott turfftig zu wissen", 41 pp., ending with "Finis").

Structured by occasional blank leaves, but apparently complete. The handwriting is fluent and shows few abbreviations, but is not always easily legible. A handwritten ownership on the first page of the volume marks this as the property of "Severus Schöpell", a "Steinn unnd bruch schnide[r]" (a surgeon specialising in the removal of kidney and gall stones), dated "Anno domini 1569". The verso contains a brief recipe for an eye ointment and another early ownership; a torn recipe leaf is loosely inserted at the end.

Binding slightly rubbed with a small hole in the upper cover. Paper a little brownstained or ink-smudged in places, but generally finely preserved. Provenance: Erasmushaus Basel, sale 50 (1975), no. 363 (2000 Swiss Francs).

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