Duse, Eleonora, Italian singer and actress (1858-1924). Autograph letter monogrammed.

N. p. o. d.

8vo. 3¼ pp. on bifolium. In pencil. Together with an autograph envelope and a 1909 theater program and ticket for a performance of Ibsen's The Lady of the Sea with Eleonora Duse in Vienna, clipped and pasted on cardboard.


To an unnamed marchese, possibly Giacinto Viviani della Robbia, concerning the renovation of a bathroom and other rearrangements to a property of the recipient. Although she suggests the topic, Duse subsequently underlines that she is "very tired" and cannot "for now (during winter) rethink a new rearrangement of rooms", thus stalling the project: "Quanto al progetto de la stanza toilette, al quale accennai ieri a un domestico della sua casa presente la mia visita, però, è prematuro parlarne. Ne parleremo al mio ritorno perché ora, fra tante 'rimuginio' (si dice cosí?) […] mi sento assai stanca - e non potrei, per ora (durante inverno) ripensare a un nuovo riordinamento di stanze, al quale pensiero, ma con più calma al mio ritorno. Sensi [?] il Lapis me ho appunto degli operai in stanza".

In 1898, Gabriele d'Annunzio moved to the Villa La Capponcina in Settignano near Florence, adjacent to Duse's Villa La Porziuncola. It is conceivable that Eleonora Duse was in contact with the Marchese Giacinto Viviani della Robbia, the owner of the Villa La Capponcina, in order to coordinate some renovations in her lover's domicile.

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