Autograph picture postcard signed.
14 x 6.8 cm. 1 p. In German.
€ 180.00
To a young lady whom the dancer was unable to see, "as I could not be in Vienna during noontime, so I left a letter for you at the concierge, which you did not collect, and I did not have your address [...]" (transl.).
Admired by such illustrious contemporaries as Klimt, Schnitzler, Altenberg and Hofmannsthal (who wrote "Amor und Psyche" and "Das fremde Mädchen" for her), Grete Wiesenthal began her career at the Vienna Court Opera. She and her sisters Elsa and Bertha enjoyed great success dancing to the works of Johann Strauß, Franz Schubert, and Franz Liszt, as well as under the sometime direction of Max Reinhardt at the Salzburg Festival. After the First World War she worked as a choreographer and dance instructor, teaching the "Viennese Style" which she had developed; in 1938 she retired from professional life and made her home a refuge for all those persecuted by the new regime (cf. Czeike V, 651).
Postcard trimmed along the upper edge without sustantial loss to text.