Hawley, D[onald] F[rederick]. Courtesies in the Trucial States.

Beirut, Khayats, 1965.

8vo (171 x 244 mm). 82 pp., final blank leaf. Publisher's full red cloth with giltstamped title to cover and spine; a stylized giltstamped male figure in Arab dress to cover.


An English diplomat's handbook on social etiquette in the Trucial States. Comprises about 300 exemplary phrases to express greetings, farewells, condolences, blessings, congratulations, get-well wishes and everyday courtesies as customary in the Arab world, along with guidelines for proper conduct at feasts and on formal occasions. Examples given in Arabic with transliteration and English translation. Complete with some simple but useful phrases for conversation, including topics such as hawking, shooting and the weather, along with a number of proverbs and a list of "common words".

Joining the Foreign Office in 1956, Donald Hawley served in a variety of diplomatic posts in the Middle East, Africa and the Far East. After two years in the Foreign Office he was posted as Political Agent, Trucial States (1958-61), based in Dubai, and later as Ambassador to Oman (1971-75) - two positions that provided him with thorough expertise on his subject.


Blue ballpoint ownership of John Miland (?) to flyleaf.


In excellent condition.