Anweisung zum Mignaturmahlen, vermittelst deren diese Kunst gantz leicht und ohne Lehrmeister zu begreifen, nebst vielen raren und geheimen hierzu gehörigen Kunst-Stücken; ingleichen ein Planier- und Muschel-Gold und Silber, wie auch den rechten Chinesischen Verniß selber zu machen. Dritte Auflage.
8vo. (8), 112, (6) pp. With woodcut vignette to title-page. Contemporary calf, spine prettily gilt. Marbled endpapers. All edges sprinkled red.
€ 850.00
Third edition of this standard work on conservation and restoration techniques, providing very precise recipes and instructions. "Based on Boutet's miniature book, published between 1672 and 1817 in at least 17 French editions [...] This edition corresponds in all parts to the German one of 1688" (cf. Schießl).
Quite rare; a single copy in the USA (Queens University Library). Somewhat browned throughout due to paper stock. From the collection of the Viennese brewer Josef Wünsch (1843-1916) with his bookplate to the front pastedown.
Schießl 587. OCLC 46262706. Cf. Engelmann (Bibl. mech.-tech.) 11 (4th ed. only).