The Turkish wars of 1683-1686

(Chiarello, Giambattista). Historia degl' avenimenti dell' armi imperiali contro a' ribelli, et ottomani, confederationi, e trattati seguiti frà le potenze di Cesare, Polonia, Venetia, e Moscovia.

Venice, Steffano Curti, 1687.

4to. (24), 575 (but: 577), (13) pp. With engr. title vignette, 6 folding engr. plates and folding engr. map. Contemp. Italian half vellum with giltstamped red spine label. All edges red.


First edition of this rare chronicle of the Turkish wars of 1683-86, being an account of the imperial offensive against the Turks and their allies following the unsuccessful Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683 which led to the reconquest of Hungary and the capture of Buda in 1686. Includes an extensive account of the siege of Vienna, a fine map of Hungary, and plans of Vienna, Esztergom, Nové Zámky, Košice, Buda, and the bridge of Osijek. The second edition appeared in 1688 at the same press.

Some browning and brownstaining due to paper; occasional underlinings in red pencil. A very good copy.


BM-STC Italian 225. Apponyi 1304. Kelényi 1162. Sturminger 966 & 3839. Not in Atabey.