11 autogr. signed letters or postcards from various socialist figures.
Altogether 24 pieces.
€ 28,000.00
Mostly written to the Belgian socialist politician C. Huysmans, a member of the International Socialist Bureau.
I) 1911: Postcard from Hjalmar Branting, in French.
II) Letter from Tucovic, in German.
III) Letter from Engelbert Pernerstofer, in German.
IV) 1914: Letter from Edouard Vaillant, in French.
V) Letter from Friedrich Adler (in German, typed, autogr. sign.).
VI) Letter from Karl Liebknecht, in German.
VII) Postcard from Friedrich Ebert, in German.
VIII) Postcard from Georg Ledebour, in German.
IX) Postcard from H. Branting in French.
X) Aut. sign. of Keir Hardie.
We join 5 other doc. incl. 2 letters from Elisée Reclus, 1 from E. Vandervelde and 1 by Huysmans as well as some newspaper clippings or other.