Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand, Swiss poet (1825-1898). Autograph letter signed.

N. p., 25 June 1886.

8vo. 4 pp. on bifolium.


To the German writer Louise von François (1817-93) with news about the progress of his work and from his family. As he "started much and finished little", Meyer dedicates most of the letter to family affairs, recent visitors like the author Hermann Lingg and the publisher Julius Rodenberg and his reading of Flaubert and Keller: "I recently looked at the French Flaubert who can only be interpreted in light of his newly published correspondence with George Sand [...]".

He also announces that he will visit the famous Polish writer Józef Ignacy Kraszewski in his exile in Geneva. Despite strong reservations due to Kraszewski's conviction as a French spy in Germany Meyer feels obliged to meet his old acquaintance.

Well preserved.

Stock Code: BN#37917 Tag: