Avicenna, Hippocrates, Galen in a single handy volume
Avicennae summi inter Arabes medici Fen I lib. I canonis. In usum Gymnasii Patavini, Editio correctior.
12mo. 140, (2) pp., final blank leaf.
(Bound with) II: Hippocrates. Aphorismorum sectiones VII. Nicolao Leoniceno Vicentino interprete. Accessit octava ex Ant. Musae Brasavoli commentariis. Ibid., 1649. (36), 111, (1) pp.
(Bound with) III: Galenus. Ars medicinalis. Nicolao Leoniceno interprete. Ibid., 1642. (12), 173, (1) pp., final blank leaf. Contemporary limp vellum.
€ 2,500.00
A fine Padovan 17th century manual assembling the great ancient and medieval medical works, published separately, in a single handy volume. From the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and beyond, the compulsory teaching matter of Avicenna's monumental "Qanun" always included the part on physiology in the first fen of book 1, which expounds the general principles of medicine. The present edition is bound with the principal works of Hippocrates and Galen, both edited by the Italian physician and humanist Niccolò Leoniceno (1428-1524).
Some browning and brownstaining. 18th century annotations to flyleaf; ownership of Antonio Barduni (?) to front pastedown. An appealing pocket-sized set containing in a nutshell the staples of the old medical schools from which European medical training was in the process of breaking free.
Cf. Krivatsy 499, 4508. Not in Wellcome.