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"We were all wrong about Vaslav"
18 autograph letters signed, 16 typed letters signed, 12 autograph postcards signed, and 4 telegrams.
A total of ca. 75 pp. Various formats. Includes the original envelopes.
Interesting collection of letters in English and German to the Canadian-Ukrainian dance instructor Alexander Ursuliak and his wife, the Austrian ballet dancer Christa (née Himmelbauer), discussing such subjects as the publication of a biography of her late husband, the dancer Vaslav Nijinsky (1889-1950): "My books about Vaslav just came out, in German published by Insel Verlag, Frankfurt. Very well presented and translated. At the same time in September, came out in Leningrad, the biography of Vaslav, written by Dr. Vera Krassovskaya, commissioned by the government, published by Isskustvo. Very interesting, telling details of Vaslav life and art in School and as member of the Mariinsky theater. Details I never knew, neither Richard Buckle, or any author in the West. It is a joke. I laughed. We were all wrong about Vaslav's resignation at the Mariinsky, on account of the 'Pavillon Armide'-Benois costume and the fatal trunk […]" (letter dated 1 Nov. 1974).
The correspondence includes frequent mentions of noted personalities, such as in this letter from 16 February 1976 about two choreographers: "[...] Wegen Glen Tetley braucht Ihr nicht nachweinen. Marcia Haydee wird sicher besser sein". She provides contact information and travel advice for "the finest country in the world", Japan: "Komaki San (ein japanischer Baron) für Tanzen ausgebildet in Russland, Freund von Kirov Ballet [...] spricht Russisch und hat die erste Tanz Company und Schule in Japan gegründet vor 25 Jahren. Er kann euch sehr behilflich sein. Ruft ihn an. Sagt [...] ihr kommt von mir [...]" (undated). A typed letter of recommendation is addressed to the dancer Sulamith Messerer (1908-2004).
In 1913, Romola de Pulszky married Vaslav Nijinsky, the famous "premier danseur" of the Ballets Russes. Around 1917 he developed symptoms of schizophrenia; a had to give up the stage, and Romola cared for him until his death in 1950. As early as 1934 she had published a biography of the "God of Dance".
Includes three photographs and an invitation to the wedding of Romola Nijinsky's grandson.