Commentary on the "Book of Healing"
[Nasim al-riyadh fi Sharh al-Shifa' - Commentary on the "Book of Healing" of Qadi Iyad].
Folio (210 x 305). Arabic manuscript on strong polished oriental paper. 288 ff. 30-31 lines of pretty naskh in black ink, with occasional words and emphases in red; several old marginal glosses and annotations. Contemporary oriental red morocco binding with fore-edge flap with oval medallions to both covers (spine renewed, edges reinforced).
€ 3,500.00
Well-known 17th-century commentary on what is probably the most frequently used and glossed handbook of the life, qualities and miracles of the Prophet Muhammad, the "Al-Shifa bi Ta'rif Huquq al-Mustafa" of Qadi Iyad, composed in the first half of the 12th century CE. The commentator Shihab al-Din al-Khafaji (ca. 977-1069 H / 1571-1659 CE) was "an Egyptian scholar and littérateur with a large and diverse oeuvre who had a considerable impact on the literary scene of his time and later" (Ralf Elger, in Encyclopaedia of Islam, 3rd ed., s.v.). He studied first with his uncle, the philologist Abu Bakr al-Shanawani, and then in Cairo; having completed the pilgrimage with his father, he continued his studies in Istanbul before being made Qadi of Rumelia and later in Saloniki. Sultan Murad named him Qadi 'l-'askar (judge of the army) for Egypt, but he was soon dismissed from this post and returned to Istanbul via Damaskus and Halab. Having fallen out with the Mufti Yaqub ibn Zaqariya and the Vizier, he was posted to Cairo as a simple Qadi and there lived as a writer and lecturer. His several works are listed by Brockelmann.
Binding rubbed; traces of worming, also variously to the leaves but confined to the wide margins. Slight waterstain to upper edge.
GAL II 285 (369) 9, 11; GAL I 369 (456) 5, 1i.