Calligraphic manuscript
Verzeichnus und warhaffter bericht, was das fürnembst in gantz Italia zue sehen ist [...].
8vo. German manuscript on paper. (374) pp., 9 blank leaves. With calligraphic title and chapter headings heightened in gold. Contemporary giltstamped full vellum. All edges gilt.
Highly representative calligraphic manuscript of this popular guidebook to Italy, predating its publication by seven years, obviously commissioned by the Bavarian noble family Riederer von Paar. Kranitz von Wertheim's guide "Delitiae Italiae" was first published in 1599 in Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig, and quickly advanced to become one of the most widely read works of travel literature of its time.
Provenance: handwritten ownership of Georg Wilhelm Riederer, dated 1615, on the inner boards. The title-page bears the same name in a more fluent, probably later handwriting with the addition "à par". The date 1592 below the title was altered to "1492" by the same hand, but the motive for this change remains unclear. In the 18th century the book was in the possession of the Austrian Piarist and historian Leopold Gruber (1733-1807); his bookplate to verso of title-page.
A very similar manuscript, presumably prepared by the same scribe, is kept at the Herzog August library in Wolfenbüttel (Cod. Guelf. 55. Aug. 4º). It is dated "1590" on the title-page. Despite their similarities (both manuscripts also bear the IHS monogram on their covers), the present example is overall more lavishly endowed: it features more gilt-stamped elements on the covers as well as gilt-heightened headings which the Wolfenbüttel manuscript lacks entirely. The number of pages as well as the text and order of chapters are not identical in both manuscripts, and they both differ from the printed version.
Lower right corner with some loss throughout, not touching text. Upper margin slightly browned; occasional light spotting; gilding of top edge oxydized. A rare survival.