Fessler, [Ignaz Aurelius]. Institutiones linguarum orientalium, hebraeae, chaldaicae, syriacae et arabicae.

Breslau, Wilhelm Theophil Korn, 1787-1789.

8vo. 2 parts in one vol. VIII, (3)-159, (1); (2), 118, (2) pp. With 20 (10 folding) numbered plates. Contemporary half calf with giltstamped spine and spine-label.


First edition of this important early grammar of Semitic languages. Contains an introduction to Hebrew, Chaldaic, Syriac, and Arabic, including conjugation tables for regular and irregular verbs.

Appointed to teach oriental languages and the Old Testament in Lemberg (Lviv), Fessler prepared the present work as a textbook for his lectures.

Contrary to the indication on the title-page, an Arabic chrestomathy by Johann Gottfried Eichhorn was not published with this work.

Extremities slightly rubbed. Paper evenly browned throughout. Contemporary handwritten ownership of the Swedish theologian Johan Gustaf Bergius (1720-1805) to lower pastedown. Unidentified early 19th century ownership stamp "COG" to front pastedown.


OCLC 69349977.

Stock Code: BN#58024 Tags: , ,